Our Island Story, Part 2 -Book 1
by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (1867 - 1941)
The Red Rose and the White - 11:21
Queen Margaret and the Robbers - 05:53
The King-Maker - 09:19
Edward V - The King Who was Never Crowned - 09:23
The Two Little Princes in the Tower - 06:13
Henry VII - Story of the Make-Believe Prince - 07:18
Another Make-Believe Prince - 10:51
Henry VIII and The Field of the Cloth of Gold - 11:43
How the King Became the Defender of the Faith - 10:59
Henry VIII - The Story of the King's Six Wives - 08:08
The Story of a Boy King - 09:50
The Story of Lady Jane Grey - 07:48
How the Princess Elizabeth Became a Prisoner - 08:25
Mary I - How a Candle Was Lit in England - 04:47
How the Imprisoned Princess Became a Queen - 06:14
Elizabeth - The Story of a Most Unhappy Queen - 08:15
How England was Saved from the Spaniards - 08:18
Elizabeth - The Story of Sir Walter Raleigh - 07:37
The Queen's Favorite - 10:48
The Story of Guy Fawkes - 10:01
The Story of the Mayflower - 09:01
How a Woman Struck a Blow for Freedom - 08:15
How the King and the Parliament Quarrelled - 09:54
The Story of How the King was Brought to His Death - 06:22
The Adventures of a Prince - 09:32
The Commonwealth - The Lord Protector - 07:24
How Death Walked in the Streets of London - 09:48
The Story of How London was Burned - 07:59
The Fiery Cross - 06:37